Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Summer Learning Journey

 For the Summer Learning Journey, Ms Kemp decided to make us do two introductory tasks. We had to colour in a famous picture on a website and then find the elements of art inside it.

Friday, 27 November 2020

What Now

 What Now?

I was awoken to my mother shaking me awake.  “ Come on get up Emma ” she said. I groaned as I fell off my bed.  Mum had left the room and was heading downstairs. I put my clothes on and followed her. My aunt was already up and she made me a hot milo and some toast. I had my breakfast and got into the car. 

We drove to Shantytown and there was a huge line waiting to get in. mum drove along the line until she found Donna. She asked her what was going on and Donna said they hadn’t opened the gate. Donna then offered to take me into Shantytown and drop me back home and Mum accepted so I got in Donna's car with Billie, Billie. W, Summer and Wairini. We waited in line for 5 minutes and then the gates opened.

 We drove in and Donna found a park but somebody's car came speeding backwards towards us!! Donna just managed to avoid the crash that could have happened. We then got interrupted by Ms Kemp who stopped us and then let us keep walking too the train station. We then handed in our forms and waited for 10 minutes. 

I went outside and stood near the white fence on the train platform. Then a lady in a purple dress and blue jacket came walking towards us. Jordyn and I waved at her and I let out a squeak of excitement. I think she heard me because she looked at us and waved back. She then introduced herself as Erin, the presenter on What Now. She then introduced Morgan( the director), Matt( the props guy) and Matt the camera man. Morgan told us to get onto the train. Erin got in my cabin and she then said she needed some competitors for “ Say It, Don’t Spray It ”. She then told us to say she sells seashells by the sea shore as loud as we could. I won that and I got a name tag. Before that, we had put all of our gear into the church. The intro was quite simple. We all got off the train and stayed quiet behind the post office. We then went off the air and Erin changed into a buttercup yellow dress. She then asked us what made the West Coast speical to us. Olive said “ because it’s really beautiful” and Indi “ the bike tracks are really cool and fun too do ”. 

Erin was now wearing a pink dress. We then set up for “ Say It Don’t Spray It ” I put on my name tag and headed over to the Fire Station. I then had to say the tongue twister “ Sheila seldom sells shelled shrimps in Shantytown ” I did it but Jordyn, Lucy and Zade failed to do it and got foamed. It was down to me and Mea. This time we had to say it twice.  I said it with a little stumble but Mea stuffed up before she got to the second time round. She got foamed and I was the winner. Erin asked me how it felt to be the Say It Don’t Spray It  champion. I replied with amazing. She then asked me how it felt to be foamed on National TV, which was about to happen to me. I screamed “ No no no thankyou” and ran from the camera. Atawhai pushed me back to the camera. I reluctantly got foamed and I turned into a fish when I did. I then dried off and headed to the gold panning. 

Erin had changed into a checker patterned dress. Me and Breanna were trying to pan for gold and we failed miserably. We kept arguing over who held the pan. Breanna was doing it wrong and it was really bugging me so I kept taking the pan off her and showing her how to do it. But Breanna kept doing it wrong.

Erin then sent us too the theatre to watch a really bad movie. We all stormed out afterwards looking angry. I was especially good at that as that is a face I pull every day at someone. Olive and Indi walked out after me and when we were out of the camera range we cracked up.

Monday, 9 November 2020




Story behind Diwali

Video about Diwali

Diwali Video in written form

Diwali is the festival of lights, usually lasting 5 days and celebrated by

millions of people around the world for New Years. It is also a festival

of a new beginning and the triumph of good over evil and light over

darkness. Diwali originated in India and is strongly linked to the Hindu


Day 1: Card games, gambling and purchasing gold and metals are common

for the first day.

Day 2: Known as Naraka Chaturdasi or Chhoti Diwali/ demon effigies are

burned in Goa.

Day 3: New Moon day; the most significant day of the festival in North

and West India.

Day 4: Meaning varies across India including the start of a new year

victory over Demon King Bali.

Day 5: Known as Bhai Duj; celebrates Sisterhood.

The festival is mainly about the renewal of life, and bringing light to replace

darkness. Like the Chinese new year and Diwali there are similarities. In the

Chinese New Year they exchange gifts, light candles and use firecrackers

and fireworks. This also happens in the Diwali festival. Diwali cultures also

celebrate by making Rangoli patterns out of coloured sand.

There are some people who make fun of other cultures.  They mock the

clothes, accents, foods, jobs, festivals and achievements of those cultures.

We think mocking people's accents could be offensive to some people

because they can't help sounding like that .People who mock are probably not

used to it and it is something new to them. 

The Story of Diwali

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Cycle Trail Recount

 Wilderness Trail

On Tuesday September 22, my classroom went on a bike trip from Milltown to Kapitea Reservoir. I was woken up by some loud purring from my cat. I got up feeling excited. I got dressed and headed downstairs. Mum made me grilled cheese on toast. I ate that and brushed my teeth. I packed my bags the night before, except for my lunch which mum packed while I was eating. I put on the bag, said goodbye to my parents and my brother. Then I headed downstairs. I had left my bike at school, so I didn’t have too drag it down the street/stairs to get to school.

I had to get my bike out of the classroom and onto the court. Ms Kemp told us to come back inside so she could sort out car groups. I was in a group with Indi. We then got into the van and drove to the Hokitika turnoff. I think we drove past Lake Kaniere and we eventually got to Milltown. We then unloaded our bikes and started the trail. It was very hard for my bike and it required a lot of effort to push myself up the hill. My bike is not suited for the hills like a mountain bike but I managed to get to the top and I celebrated by drinking some water. The weather conditions were strange. It drizzled a lot during the trip, and after some time it stopped drizzling and then it would start again. 

I hated the uphill after the swingbridge. I had to pedal so hard that I felt my legs would snap off at the knees.  It didn’t help that a tandem with an annoying horn was following all of us girls.The horn was honking over and over again. It drove me insane. Bille shouted at the tandem, “ DO YOU MIND?!?! I AM TRYING TO CONCENTRATE!” but the horn kept honking. 

We then made it to Cowboy’s Paradise. Everyone was telling anyone who’d just arrived not to skid. From what I heard, somebody skidded on the track and some man came out and threatened them. We sounded off and then continued to Kawhaka Dam.

We reached a stop point and I was happy because I could eat. I started by eating my hotdog and then some walnuts. Lily handed out some pineapple lumps which made me very very happy. 

Ms Kemp showed up and said we were going to reach the fords very soon. I was happy about going through the ford. There was a huge downhill which was so fun. I nearly fell off my bike because I slammed on the brakes and turned too sharply on a corner. We then made it to Cowboy’s Paradise. Everyone was telling anyone who’d just arrived not to skid. From what I heard, somebody skidded on the track and some man came out and threatened them. We sounded off and then continued to Kawhaka Dam. 

At Kawhaka dam, we had the choice whether to pull out or not. I kept biking to the cattle bridge. Ms Kemp suggested I retire my bike. I thought I wanted to keep going so I said no. I continued riding with the class and soon wished I had pulled out. But I kept going because Olive had pulled out and I wanted to keep going where she couldn’t. My legs were aching and soon I was left behind. I made it to the end and I was so proud of myself. 

I had a lot of support along the way. The people who found this easier showed great leadership skills by supporting those who were not equipped for the challenge ( in strength ). That just left the ride back too school. I nearly fell asleep in the van.

When we got back to school, everyone was pouring out of the classrooms and going home. I grabbed my brother and made him help take my bike home.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Maui's Journey around NZ

An important part of learning about a language and 
culture is to get to know the stories that belong to 
that culture. This week listen to the story, ‘How Mauī 
Came to Maitahi - Bruce Bay.’ 

WALT: understand some of the important stories to Māori culture and to
our local areas.

Success Criteria: watch the story of ‘Māui’s arrival in Maitahi/Mahitahi’
and discuss as a class what we learnt in this story.

Monday, 3 August 2020

SSR Reading log. Weeks 1-2

The Floods 1
By Colin Thompson
My Favourite part was when Betty Flood is trying to scare her neighbour out of her house.
She is a witch and she turns him into a fridge by mistake. She was telling him to be very afraid
but she accidentally said be very afridge.

Floods 1: Neighbours by Colin Thompson - Penguin Books New Zealand

Mysteries of the Unexplained: Beyond the walls of time

By Readers Digest

My favourite part of the section was when the Oracle of Delphi
says to a man to beware the tortoise.
The man was Aeschylus the man
who invented the play and he was killed by an eagle
that saw his bald head shining in the sun.
The eagle thought it was a rock and dropped it on
his head. 

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Balloon Bottle Car Racing

Lavonia The Failed Balloon Bottle Car
                   Rest in peace 
This is the bottle car prototype. She was going to
look better but we had  no time to accessorize and
this is why she looks like a piece of  recycling.
Things that went well: We got a bottle, and
managed to prepare something in the limited time
frame we had. She participated in the two races.

Things that didn’t go well: Laviona’s wheels
didn’t move. She moved three inches away from
the ramp where we let her go. Gravity pulled her
down the ramp and air resistance forced her to
stop. The force of the air resistance combined
with the  non working wheels and stopped her
three inches from the ramp. Her balloon failed to
push her even a millimetre. The wheels were not
aligned and were working against each other. 

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Matariki Stars

Our Teacher made us weave Matariki Stars. First we drew a circle with a compass. Then we made marks around the outside and cut them.  Ms Kemp gave us some wool to weave into the star shapes and VOILA.
A Matariki Star

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Life as A new Kiwi

Life In New Zealand by Emma Ballingall

Willow and Evelyn had just gotten off the plane. Photographers and news reporters all pushed
and shoved each other to try to get a word out of the young girls. Evelyn held up her hand,
cleared her throat and her voice sounded like the hum of  hornets in a nest. 
“ Leave us alone” she said. 

One lone reporter was shocked by the sudden voice change. Evelyn’s voice normally sounded
like silk, smooth and posh. She was yelling things about the girl being cursed. Some very
superstitious tourists yelled, “She’s a witch!” 

Evelyn’s porcelain face went bright red. Willow’s expression changed from relaxed to pure anger.
She raised her arms and her eyes went red for a second. Everyone looked like they were trying
to do yoga. Someone had twisted their body into a pretzel. Willow smirked and then everyone
twisted themselves into pretzels. Evelyn perked up seeing lots of confused people trying to get
out of a pretzel shape. Evelyn then erased their memory of the voice change and of the girls
being there.

When they  had picked up their belongings they walked to the nearest bus stop. They got on a
bus and went to their hotel. They went up to the hotel desk. Willow opened her mouth to speak
but Evelyn clamped her hand over Willow's mouth. Evelyn then spoke in her normal voice,
“Hello Sir, my sister and I would like a room in your hotel on the top floor.” The desk clerk was
very surprised to hear such a voice that sounded like silk, and he had heard many people speak. 

He gave them the whole floor free of charge. Willow was about to yell about how amazing
Evelyn's voice was. Evelyn responded to the man saying, “No sir, we only need one hotel room
with two beds and two bathrooms.” He gave them their room free of charge and he also threw
in a million dollars.

Once the girls had put away their luggage they flopped onto the beds and Evelyn then said,
“Well, we are in Auckland, we might as well explore and have some fun.” Willow nodded then,
squealing, she added, “We can go to the mall!” 

Evelyn got up and headed to the door. Willow pulled her back, “ What is it Willow?”
“It’s the vomit on your shirt, remember you threw up on yourself on the plane?” Evelyn ran into
the bathroom, visibly embarrassed, and got changed into something pastel pink, blue and
purple. The dress went well with her strawberry blonde hair and steely blue eyes. Then she flew
out the door and into the elevator. 

Once outside the hotel Willow dragged Evelyn to the bus and asked the bus driver to take them
to the mall.  

“ Willow, I think we should get sushi, do you?” Evelyn asked. 
Willow said nothing. She was busy in the nearest clothes shop admiring everything except the
fact that Evelyn was hungry and wanted her to move along. “I like this little kiwi handbag. It’s so
fluffy but the back and the handle feel so plasticy and it is cold on my skin!”

 Evelyn walked past Willow and into the pet shop. 
“This will help me keep track of you Willow.” 
Willow had a very large dog collar on her waist and Evelyn held a retractable dog leash. 
Willow complained,“It’s so itchy though and if someone cool walks past I’ll look like an idiot.” 
“That’s the whole point and I will get a microchip put in you if you take the collar and lead off,”
Evelyn fired back. 
Willow sighed and tried to walk off. She was pulled back. 

Willow was dragged over to the sushi bar and was forced to eat. 
“Excuse me Miss may I purchase your Seafood salad and a large Teriyaki Rice Ball with
sesame seeds?” Evelyn asked. 
She paid for the food and sat down to eat with Willow grumbling as she face planted into the
food. She came back up with a face and hair got sticky with rice and sesame seeds. It wasn’t a
good look on her face as her long dark hair got sticky and that seriously ruined any possibility
of a decent hair flick.
Evelyn smacked her,“Ugh, Willow, eat politely please. We are in a public place. Eating like that
makes you look even more weird considering I have the retractable leash on you.” 

Willow looked up to see a very cute fluffy poodle outside the window, She fell off of her seat and
flew over to the window, dumping the collar in the seat. “Willow it’s time to go.” 
Willow looked at the poodle and all she could see was a yellow liquid falling down the window.
Willow looked mortified. “Evelyn we have to go now.” 
Willow dragged Evelyn away after attaching her to the collar.

When Evelyn got home she threw up. “Oh man, that was too much sushi plus the bus you chose
took ages to get home and you know I get carsick really bad. WILLOW LISTEN TO ME!”  
Evelyn then dashed into the bathroom again. Willow was reading about Māori people. She was
trying to learn Māori customs and their language and... it was an excuse to not listen to Evelyn’s
ranting and raving. Evelyn got changed into a pretty pink dress. Just like the one Sleeping
Beauty wore.

It was dark and Evelyn saw the sun setting over Auckland. She looked at it and smiled. She
missed America and the magical state that she came from. Willow was calling for Evelyn.
Watching the sunset was therapeutic for Evelyn and it was a way to escape from reality and let
her spirit soar. 
Willow yelled, “EVELYN!” and pushed her into a wall. 
“Willow, I want to go home!” 
Willow was doing a great goldfish impersonation. Her face went a dangerous looking purple. 
shouted as her chest heaved as she took in great gasping breaths. Evelyn's porcelain white 
face went red and her blue eyes misted over and  welled with tears. Willow didn’t seem to notice
this.  She was busy looking into her mirror and trying to find another way to wear the dog collar
that wouldn’t look so stupid. Evelyn went up behind her and pushed her smack bang into the

It cracked and Willow assumed it was because she had looked at the mirror and it couldn’t
handle her beauty. She turned to look at Evelyn to see her  crying and her hands dropping back.  
“ So now a mirror is more important than me, first it was that poodle you saw at the mall and
now a mirror!” 

Willow’s expression turned to guilt from ignorance as Evelyn flopped onto the bed.
She looked like Sleeping Beauty without the crown and with tears streaking down her face.