Friday, 27 November 2020

What Now

 What Now?

I was awoken to my mother shaking me awake.  “ Come on get up Emma ” she said. I groaned as I fell off my bed.  Mum had left the room and was heading downstairs. I put my clothes on and followed her. My aunt was already up and she made me a hot milo and some toast. I had my breakfast and got into the car. 

We drove to Shantytown and there was a huge line waiting to get in. mum drove along the line until she found Donna. She asked her what was going on and Donna said they hadn’t opened the gate. Donna then offered to take me into Shantytown and drop me back home and Mum accepted so I got in Donna's car with Billie, Billie. W, Summer and Wairini. We waited in line for 5 minutes and then the gates opened.

 We drove in and Donna found a park but somebody's car came speeding backwards towards us!! Donna just managed to avoid the crash that could have happened. We then got interrupted by Ms Kemp who stopped us and then let us keep walking too the train station. We then handed in our forms and waited for 10 minutes. 

I went outside and stood near the white fence on the train platform. Then a lady in a purple dress and blue jacket came walking towards us. Jordyn and I waved at her and I let out a squeak of excitement. I think she heard me because she looked at us and waved back. She then introduced herself as Erin, the presenter on What Now. She then introduced Morgan( the director), Matt( the props guy) and Matt the camera man. Morgan told us to get onto the train. Erin got in my cabin and she then said she needed some competitors for “ Say It, Don’t Spray It ”. She then told us to say she sells seashells by the sea shore as loud as we could. I won that and I got a name tag. Before that, we had put all of our gear into the church. The intro was quite simple. We all got off the train and stayed quiet behind the post office. We then went off the air and Erin changed into a buttercup yellow dress. She then asked us what made the West Coast speical to us. Olive said “ because it’s really beautiful” and Indi “ the bike tracks are really cool and fun too do ”. 

Erin was now wearing a pink dress. We then set up for “ Say It Don’t Spray It ” I put on my name tag and headed over to the Fire Station. I then had to say the tongue twister “ Sheila seldom sells shelled shrimps in Shantytown ” I did it but Jordyn, Lucy and Zade failed to do it and got foamed. It was down to me and Mea. This time we had to say it twice.  I said it with a little stumble but Mea stuffed up before she got to the second time round. She got foamed and I was the winner. Erin asked me how it felt to be the Say It Don’t Spray It  champion. I replied with amazing. She then asked me how it felt to be foamed on National TV, which was about to happen to me. I screamed “ No no no thankyou” and ran from the camera. Atawhai pushed me back to the camera. I reluctantly got foamed and I turned into a fish when I did. I then dried off and headed to the gold panning. 

Erin had changed into a checker patterned dress. Me and Breanna were trying to pan for gold and we failed miserably. We kept arguing over who held the pan. Breanna was doing it wrong and it was really bugging me so I kept taking the pan off her and showing her how to do it. But Breanna kept doing it wrong.

Erin then sent us too the theatre to watch a really bad movie. We all stormed out afterwards looking angry. I was especially good at that as that is a face I pull every day at someone. Olive and Indi walked out after me and when we were out of the camera range we cracked up.

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