We are learning to add descriptive words in our writing and use words that make the reader feel a certain way.The air was as cold as stone as the class walked down to the Karoro Beach to pick up litter dropped by people or washed up by tides. The class was divided into groups that parents volunteered to chaperone, luckily I was in the same groups as Breanna my BFF and Amanda, Hannah's mother was our chaperone. The group members were myself, Breanna, Hannah, Hamish and Issac.
The beach looked clean at first glance but it was when we looked under the driftwood when I felt a tsunami of anger rush over my head. I never expected a rubber jandal or a cap to show up and pipes that were old and had some brown stuff on the end but we also found some other weird things like, a syringe that might have had contained some medicine against a cow disease and a vial filled with a yellow unidentified liquid that might be illegal drugs or something else yucky. On the cycle trail in the penguin zone I was shocked to see rubbish in between the trees forming a cave like shape. As my group went in the first thing we saw was plastic but the big thing that was in there was a massive piece of metal.
Although the beach was a tiny bit cleaner we, and I mean all of humankind, need to decide if we want beaches covered in litter or beaches litter free and healthy. In half an hour our entire class found 498 pieces of plastic and that’s not cool. It’s your choice to look after the environment.